James Comey Tell the Memphis FBI to Investigate Al Nations in Reference to the Up Coming RICO Case. It's Important!!! Deana Hood Is Linked to UNETHICAL People (some that were FBI) That Killed Martin Luther King-They're Linked to a CIA MIC Clique that Harms America... It's Time to Bust Up the Good Ole Boy Netowrk Linked to Haley Barbour, Tom Ingram, Howard Baker, Baker Donelson, NISSAN , Carlos Ghosn, Lamar Alexander & others... RICO is Needed in Tennessee For Humanity to Happen... Did YOU Offer Kim Helper Immunity... I Hope NOT That Woman BELONGS in Jail... Espeicallly if She's TOO Dumb to NOT Take a Deal. People TODAY are Being Abused in Williamson County & I've GOT More Names & Faces of Judicial Victims.
My message to Al Nations:
I guess your aligned with the Haslam Good Ole Boy network? Sir I'll add you to the RICO list in my next fax to the US Attorney's and the FBI... Sir I had hoped at least one other judge besides Kurtz was "clean".. you did let a "trumped up" misdemeanor r move forward BUT you dismissed the trumped up stalking charge...huh... that charge was brought back by Terry Wood via a GRAND JURY and I was arrested a 3rd time. FYI- my child was bullied because I'm a whistleblower: The people that wanted me jailed me are linked to the CIA- The Haslam's & NISSAN profit from Putin and Khomeini ... GOOD NEWS for America I was promised a RICO case "if" I could not get justice via a civil case in Tennessee... Gary Wades gang at the Supreme Court denied my request... He's a buddy of Haslam... I smell RICO.... Good Ole Boys.... GAME ON!!! http://kimhelperda.blogspot.comhttp://deanahoodforjudgenot.blogspot.com
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