Saturday, January 14, 2017

Odd How Jeff Sessions Will Help the Black Community MORE When He Leads DOJ Than Loretta Lynch & Erica Holder COMBINED Just By Prosecuting the RASICT ALL WHITE Crony Corrupt Prosecutors in Tennessee "Justice in TN is just as clean as the water in Flint Michigan" ... Sharyn Bovat

This is a pic of me when I learned CIA vendors associated with NISSAN got FIRED... #HappyDay 😘

Begin forwarded message:

Soon the corrupt at Nissan & TN courts will look back on the Obama era as "the good ole days"... I pray Obama Frees the excessively jailed blacks the ALL white group of crony prosecutors in the TN for profit prisons & makes room for ya'll.

I just can't 

believe Loretta Lynch didn't have her DOJ crackdown on the racist lopsided convictions. The NAACP reached out to me and blacks go to jail 3-5 times longer than whites in TN when their convicted for the SAME crime.  Damn ya'll are a tough nut to crack BUT good news for average non racist America -

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