Message for Kim Helper..... The NEW YORK TIMES Basically Says That The People That Abused The NISSAN Whistleblower Are Responsible for Benghazi Cover Up.... The Williamson County DA's Office is Either Clueless or Conspired with Those Connected to CIA Drug Trafficking. Most People in The NORTH Just Think YOUR Stupid.

When I Tell People That Stephen Preston (The CIA General Counsel that Scrubbed the 
Benghazi Talking Points) Is the Man That My EX Lawyer Kline Preston "Joked" About 
Being HIs Brother & a Man That My Ex Lawyer WIll NOT Sign an Affidavit Saying He's NOT 
Related To... When They Hear That They Know That the NISSAN CEO is Really Connected 
to Ex CIA from the NIXON Era That Were Involved with Lebanese Based Drug Trafficking. 

Respectfully I (Sharyn Bovat) Deserves RESPECT. Someone should tell Marsha Blackburn 
her "former Finance Chairman and current President of Marsha Blackburn Inc. 
'not confirmed or denied RELATIVE' knows the Benghazi truth.

Marsha Blackburn should tell her fellow members of congress to ask the CIA General 
Counsel Stephen Preston to testify at Benghazi hearings.  

Kim Helper did YOU know that I was bullied by the IRS?   The Cincinnati office.  
I Was told that "other" issues were discovered the "same" time as mine.  
People at Gannett KNEW I was harassed by the IRS and said NOTHING.  huh.....