Today I told my friend Mark Silverman that ALL I want is resolution. People can't ignore me. The fact is I'm NOT greedy. My lawsuit was NOT for a lot of money. I was right about the NISSAN fraud and today i found blog posts from 2009 about the Leaf. Mr. Wood YOU made a mistake when you "under oath" said I had NOT blogged about the NISSAN Leaf prior to October 2010.
Kim Helper Williamson County DA .... WHY?: NISSAN Whistleblower ...
Jan 14, 2013 – NISSAN Whistleblower Tells ADA Terry Wood That He's Wrong. ...Terry Wood the ADA said I did not mention the Leaf "prior" to Oct 2010.Fact - NFL Football owners are part of a Good Ole Boy network.
Now I'm going down "memory lane" & getting people to "vouch" for me. I'm fighting for my reputation ..... Some of them might be a "little" scared. Fact- In the 80's people used those in the entertainment industry, NFL & airline industry as middlemen between politicians and the mafia. I hear that today NFL owners are VERY cliquey....huh?
"And then these public employees who are paid with public funds come up with criminal information and turn it over to profit-making corporations. And that is illegal. Do the police do that for every trucking company or furniture manufacturer? Of course not. But they do it for the NFL. The whole NFL Security operation that Rozelle {brags} about is simply and illegal operation." p. 37
An IRS agent taken off an NFL-related gambling probe: "What we've got here are connections among the Cosa Nostra, the federal government, the big attorneys in the D.C. area, sports figures, and the television news media. We were getting too close to the people at the top. [He} was being protected by people within the Justice Department. P. 171
Note from Ken:The DeBartolos were large contributors to Reagan and Bush and are active in California politics. Edward DeBartolo Jr. refers to the California Attorney General as "Danny" and has contributed to his campaign war chest. They were room mates at Notre Dame.
The fact is the company that was raided is the Haslam Family business. The governor is STILL a shareholder and "maybe" he let the malicious prosecution of me continue. I do NOT know why. I'm turning over EVERY stone UNTIL I get resolution and that means an apology from someone.
I don't care that "Bill" left to do politics. He's still a shareholder he did NOT disclose financial information regarding Pilot. He's allowed for corruption in the State of Tennessee to continue. If Pilot is corrupt then Gov. Haslam is partly responsible. His ethics matter & those of Pilot are indirectly and directly a reflection on him. Who do you think funded his campaign The people that have profit from Pilot. I said years ago some guy in the Florida Trucking industry was bullying me and it was relayed to me they were "most likely" connected to the then candidate for governor. One of the people that he and he appointed one of my judges to be an APPEALS judge. The same judge that told me in court he "jail me for a year" and that was for a crime that does NOT exist. The ADA in that case has LIED under oath and NOBODY cares. Why?
Jan 24, 2013
The problem was you can't STALK a corporation. The Williamson County ADA knew this - If not Terry Wood retarded. The code specifically states that it's an INDIVIDUAL. For over Almost 3 years Sharyn Bovat has been ...
Jan 28, 2013
Sharyn Bovat arrested TWICE for stalking a corporation because she sent emails to executives saying to NOT waste taxpayer money. The law says ONLY individuals can be stalked. The charges were NOT valid and twice ...
I've been to DC over a dozen times asking people to help me and I was told that the IRS is the fastest route. Then I was invited to a conference with Treasury lawyers and I got to network. It might be a 'coincidence" but if it is OK... All I'm doing to making assumptions.
I was told that years ago Jeff Bivins LOST an election ... as a SITTING JUDGE.. If that's not true let me know and I'll clarify. I Always clarify if someone points out a mistake. Jeff Bivins call me and tell the me the truth and I'll clarify. Sharyn 514-944-7599.
Anyway- NOT many sitting judges lose elections and then he gets appointed again and again.. Someone at the State Capital likes Bivins.... Who?
Also- I heard that Senator Jack Johnson is related "cronyism" wise to Judge Bivins and I want to know WHY the people connected to Haley Barbour keep bullying me. It makes no sense. I'm tired and all I want is RESPECT for me and the American taxpayers.
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