Monday, March 25, 2013

Jeff Bivins, Robbie Beal & Kim Helper Explain HOW a Document Dated July 7th That Was for a Trespass Charge - Is for STALKING. Either a Document Was Tampered WIth or Ya'll Pre- Mediatated Having Me "Go Down" .... I'm Tired of Finding "Issues".... EXPLAIN. America is Better Than This...

I was arrested without a court order on July 7th 2010 for TRESPASSING. Nissan was mad at me for exposing a Good Ole Boy network that dominated HR., that include Greg Kelly, Mark Stout & Marlin Chapman.

Look at this document. Were  my trumped up "stalking" arrests pre meditated. Will someone investigate. I'm emailing a dozen local reporters.  Sadly the last few years I've learned They don't care about the corrupt courts... Is someone letting Mark Cook of the Tennessee "get off"on a speeding ticket?  This is INSANE!!!

Occupy protestors charged with the same as  me got their records expunged within 24 hours.
what happened to me is called ABUSE..

Look at the # Tennessee Code annotated 40-11-150
they used that on July 7th.  It's for STALKING.  I was NOT arrested for stalking on that day.
when you look at the documents you can see that they tried to jail me at a HIGH level so I'd be in prison for a YEAR.  Had I not gotten a "clean judge" I'd be in jail today. I was told Haslam appointed Jeff Bivins to the Criminal court of appeal to uphold my conviction.  It's a good thing I represented MYSELF and I did NOT get "railroaded".....  

The governor makes his $$$ from the OIL industry.  I was told my clean judge "most likely" came from Al Gore.  I'm still pissed that the former VP that almost became president let the trumped up charges continue for 19+ months still I'm happy that I got a "clean judge" a day before my trial.  Too bad I did not get this judge before Judge Robbie Beal quashed my subpoenas. Why did the ADA take the case to a Grand Jury?  Someone INVESTIGATE.  Find out HOW the whistleblower was abused in the courts. Please confirm the Al Gore issues.  Please help me find closure.  Thank you!!!

Thank you Cool for documenting the error.  Why did KLINE PRESTON not notice this?That charge should have been dropped.  I'm NOT guilty.  Most people in America are smarter than a Tennessee Jury...

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