Saturday, October 20, 2012

Please Read.... I Forgave The Russians... I Can Forgive You if You Can Tell Me Why?

From: Sharyn Bovat []
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 12:27 PM
Cc:;;;; tn;

Subject: NISSAN Whistleblower Letter to Senator Finney and Senator Jack Johnson.


Senator Finney's office THANK YOU for having your office contact me and then reaching out to Senator Jack Johnson in reference to my email asking for voices to help communicate the need for NISSAN to mediate.  The abuse of the whistleblower is "real".  The bullying and harassment I've received for speaking out against discrimination and wasted spending of taxpayer money has been documented.  The fraud in reference to the Leaf EV is real.  I could not file a  False Claims lawsuit against Nissan because of the "trumped up" charges against me and also because the collateral for the NISSAN leaf loan is a tax payer backed IDB bond. Sadly I see no need for me to talk to Mr. Johnson since he has known about the me and my whistle blowing and has done nothing. Although when he see's me at Republican events is always polite.  

My goal was to get this resolved quietly and I wanted NISSAN to mediate.  I filed a Malicious Prosecution case on July 19th.  NISSAN delayed responding and NOW they say the DA is responsible for EVERYTHING.   I was told Terry Wood the ADA is accepting 100% responsibility, he's doing an affidavit.  That's ridicules.  From the beginning NISSAN hired Joe Baugh the former DA for Williamson County and for NISSAN to say they had "no" part in the Malicious Prosecution of me is insane.  

It looks like their goal has been to "drag this out" past the election.  I was told they wanted the Dept. of Energy Loan "written off" and want President Obama to win reelection to make that happen. The NISSAN Leaf is a failure. As a taxpayer I find that DISGUSTING!  

If a reporter looks at what NISSAN just filed (weeks before the election) they'll see a documented drafted to Slander me some more.  
I will offer to reporters copies of the court transcripts.  People that have read the find the fact the case got to trial beyond bizarre.

Sirs, this has gone on for over 3 years next week I'm going meet with "non biased" people in the DOJ.  I'm a Republican but also an American and luckily I think if Eric Holder keeps his position he might NOW investigate.  His office needs to find out HOW a whistle blower who spoke out about the abuse of FEDERAL taxpayer money could be "railroaded" in the Tennessee courts. For me to endure 3 arrest - 19+ months in the courts system is insane. My web stats show that many companies that took Stimulus money from the same program as NISSAN read my blog.  Oddly Solyndra read my blog EVERYDAY I was arrested.  

FYI- This summer at the RNC convention in Tampa I was told by a congressional staffer that Darrell Issa had a team working on the NISSAN fraud. Maybe when I'm in DC next week someone will give me an update on that.

For over 3 years I've been slandered and made employable by NISSAN. The discrimination I told Carlos Tavares who was the President of NISSAN America was proven by the companies internal statistics (women in management went form 20.9% in 2006 to 10% in 2009 the year I whistle blew.  Just recently NISSAN did a press release saying  women in management since 2009 has gone up 75%.

Also - I was outed by NISSAN for doing "research work" for operatives connected to the CIA & the DIA. It's been explained to me that since the people were connected to the CIA that ordered the excessive retaliation of me that too can be investigated.   A NISSAN corp. services Director said I was the companies #2 Security threat. Senators... I was the "relocation consultant".  People in the community were told I was a "gay"  "crazy" and a "spy."  What was done to discredit me was excessive.

Oddly at the same time I was fighting for my freedom in the Tennessee courts 3 men in Paris from Renault NISSAN's parent company were 3 men were "falsely" accused of being spies.  

The men were accused on January 3rd 2011 the same day I was meeting in DC to talk to people about the NISSAN fraud. That same 24 hour time period a Federal judge ordered NISSAN to open their books in Bermuda....maybe a coincidence? 

The second week of January I learned they were innocent and started a viral effort to have them vindicated.  I found out about a week after they were accused that they were indeed innocent by "contacts"... Because I'm a "former Cold War researcher"...I did a press release saying they were innocent at the same time the NISSAN CEO said he had "multiple proofs"  they were guilty.  The fact is the "proof he paid for" hadn't been completed.  My viral effort stopped the framing of the me.   It gets more complicated but I think you get the "idea."

The three men after I was able to convince the French to expedite the investigation were found innocent and vindicated in less than a few month.  By spring they had gotten settlement checks and their jobs back.  All I'm asking for is RESPECT like that they received.

FYI- The NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn got his "jump start" in business by using contacts of his Brazilian father who was part of Operation Condor.  Mr. Ghosn had nothing to do with that (to my knowledge) he did however play a role in Iran Contra and "most likely" the Cover Up of the crash of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie.  Fun Fact:  The first female President of Brazil is asking for a "truth" investigation about Operation Condor. 

Knowing that I Carlos Ghosn feared being "outed" for his past I  put EVERYTHING I know on blogs so they would have NO REASON to kill me.  FYI- A friend of the late Marvin Runyon told me about the 'faux suicide" of another NISSAN whistleblower in Tennessee.   Mr. Runyon was connected to the CIA.

NOW YOU CAN SEE WHY I WAN NISSAN TO MEDIATE..... This is "complicated".... in court NISSAN's Rob Trayham made fun of me for "claiming" that I had PTSD.  Well I was taken by force out of my hotel room in the former USSR by a bunch of men in the early morning - they strapped me to a board and transported to an abandon building.  I had no idea what they were going to do to me.  I was terrified. If that can't give a woman PTSD then I do not know what's needed to qualify.  The night I was "saved" I slept in the same room President Nixon used when he was in Leningrad.  I have pictures.  or you can contact Mark Silverman the former Tennessean editor. He 

HELLO Tennessee - PTSD is real.  Nissan used my words about PTSD to discredit me.  I'm worried about women coming back from Afghanistan.  NOBODY deserves to be treated disrespectfully - especially those of us that have served America. I have the transcripts and I'll share them with you. 

Anyway - I think the bullying of me has more to do with "my past" than what they accused me of.  TWO TIMES I was jailed on a "trumped up" stalking charge and BOTH times they were dropped.  

Why am I still being BULLIED? It's because of my connections in the intelligence community and the CEO Carlos Ghosn is connected to powerful people and they are scared about "what I know."  they really should not be...OK....YES!! they had a reason to fear me and their bullying BACKFIRED..... I put it all on a blog. Everyone knows that I had to blog about Iran Contra and Lockerbie "just to stay alive"...Remember I was silent until NISSAN "outed" me. The man that's been married to me for over a decade did not know I did research work until "this" happened.

The retaliation for whistle blowing has been severe- I've been "stalked" and followed by people connected to NISSAN and their goal of intimidated me was SQUASHED because kind people communicated to me that they were using the same tactics on me that they use on people that even "suggest" on going union.   

Senators you've got some "mean" boys at NISSAN and I'm tired of fighting them.  They have used the judicial system to bully me in the criminal courts and NOW they are doing the same in the Civil courts. I will not "cave" what they did is morally, ethically & legally wrong. Sir's I can publicly ask for mediation because in reference to the malicious prosecution of me...Because you don't need to hide your cards when you hold all the aces.  

Senator Johnson - SInce Scott Becker wants to "drag out" this at the expense of the taxpayers then OK.  

Next week I make my 9th trip to DC I will go find a Federal route.  

DISCLAIMER...  I have NO idea what's being investigated because people that meet with me know that I blog.  So a RICO investigation could already be in the works if not I'm leaning toward wanting one.  Too many people have "hands in the cookie jar" and it's time for the taxpayers to get RESPECT!!!

All I know is people can't figure out WHY NISSAN won't mediate?  Is NISSAN gonna be ballsy & try to get more bond $$$?

....BEFORE they deem the leaf a bust & restructure?   The "credit rating" of Rutherford county is gonna "sink" ... I've been told that even if President Obama wins the "odds"of the DOE loan being written off are "not good" in fact Lamar Alexander stepped down from his #3 leadership role 12 hours after I sent a bunch of information to Ed Gillespie's office.  I did that before I testified at the capital in September 2011.

It was odd that NISSAN got 37 million in December 11 AFTER I spoke in Sept. and November 2011.  I clearly stated in my Sept. Testimony about the EV fraud, wasted spending of taxpayer money  and judicial retaliation at the capital.  BOTH of those are in the states archives.   

Maybe I'll cc lots of people in hope of someone reading this that can communicate to NISSAN that if I have to spend ALL my time seeking justice that might mean some of the NISSAN executives get to go JAIL.   Maybe that's not a bad idea?  

The FRAUD to America is real. 

Still I have a child whose suffered for OVER 3 years and I many my life back.  Also I want OUT of Tennessee. I've got PTSD and this state scares me.  The irony is I used to be considered one of the top relocation consultants for people wanting to move here.  If the Three men accused of being spies at Renault got to mediate... Why can't I?

Senator Finney you're my hero for being the 1st member of the Senate to offer sincere assistance.  Thank you.


Sharyn Bovat

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