Saturday, June 29, 2013

*** Update1:26pm*** Judges Jeff Bivins, Robbie Beal and Timothy Easter Please Explain to Me "HOW" What Happened to Me in Your Courtrooms Happened? All I Want is RESPECT. Call Me: 615-955-7599

After years of frustration in the Tennessee Courts Sharyn Bovat has documented the abuse of a judicial system that's fueled by a Good Ole Boy network.   She has documented "selective" prosecution issues and civil rights violations that have happened to her in Tennessee.  The American constitution has had a "vacation" in the state of Tennessee and it's time for RESPECT for all people and that starts with a fair trial for the NISSAN Whistleblower

There are 2 Technical record and they are located at the TN Appeals Courts located at:

Appellate Court Office - Nashville
Supreme Court Building
401 Seventh Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37219-1407
(615) 741-2681
FAX: (615) 532-8757

each topic mentioned in the Brief are detailed in the technical recorcord.

I = Volume 1
II = Volume 2
R. = Record followed by the Page #

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kim Helper - Do You Know Mike Faulk? Please Don't Tell Me He's Your Cousin? I Can't Believe Governor Haslam Appointed a Man That Had an Affair with a Young Republican to the Bench. He Should NOT Be a Judge... At Least in Family Court

The Red State Refugee is Happy to be Living in a State that Sends Their Corrupt Governors to Jail

Best part about this is the Good Ole Boy problem I'm telling the Feds about is becoming "entertaining" and ya'll are proving my point that the "network" exists 'If" this is the BEST choice for a judge then it proves cronyism is alive and kicking in Tennessee.  The state is corrupt to the bone.   I would have no issue with Mike Faulk's affair EXCEPT I was crucified and belittled for my indiscretion.  It's NOT fair that those "not" in the clique suffer while those that "do worse" succeed & profit from the hard labor of the average hardworking taxpayer.   Ya'll will be happy to know I found god while living in Tennessee and I Say Thank You Jesus for Getting Me OUT!!!

Source Said "The Good Ole Boys are Circling the Wagons"....  
I'm NOT Upset That He Had a Affair with a Young Republican.  Heck There's Hope that Scott Desjarlais Will Win Re-Election. I Think it's TACKY He Denied It....   Faulk is a Hypocrite & They Don't Do Well in Purple States...  Good Thing He's Just Going to Be a Tennessee JUDGE.... Yes!!!   Governor Bill Haslam is Promoting a Man WIth a "Past" But He's 8th Generation Tennessee and a True "Good Ole Boy".... 

NOTE to Mike Faulk: If YOU would like to clarify the story PLEASE call me I've ALWAYS allowed by viewers to correct me if I'm wrong about my opinions.  FYI-  I sent YOU a lot of emails about the NISSAN fraud.  I will show any reporter that you were aware that I was "maliciously prosecuted"... you stayed SILENT - why? Heck so did all your colleagues in that cesspool they call the state capital.  
Have a Great Day!!!   Sharyn  615-944-7599

Haslam Family Business FBI & IRS Raid Commentary

Judge This Tennessee

"....A victory by Faulk on Nov. 7 in the rural, conservative and overwhelmingly Republican state Senate District 4 would be key for the GOP in breaking a 16-16 tie with Democrats in the upper chamber......

But his campaign is facing unexpected trouble because the chairwoman of the Hawkins County Young Republicans has circulated a letter discouraging other Republicans from supporting Faulk, saying he had an affair with her during the race and criticizing him for repeatedly denying it...." Knoxville News

It's disturbing that articles about Mike Faulk have been "removed"  WHY?                                                               
Above are links from Mike Faulk's Wiki page.. Why did they disappear?  


Monday, June 10, 2013

This MIGHT Sound Ridicules BUT After All Sharyn Bovat Has Been Through in Tennessee She's SCARED of Tennessee Lawyer Kline Preston Whose the President OF Marsha Blackburn's PAC. Because of His "ReTweet". Kline Preston ReTweets ANOTHER - Sharyn Bovat Says Kline Preston is Trying to Intimidate Her BUT She'll Docutment ALL Abuses.... The Sea Raven Press in Franklin is Providing Good Ole Boy Propaganda Bashing Lincoln and is a Stain on the American Value of RESPECT fof All People

Kline Preston's Retweet is upsetting.  He knows that the tweet he posted yesterday about a whistleblower being murdered "freaked me out".... He's playing mind games.  Still I worry that someone will read his post and KNOW about me - I'm a whistleblower that spoke out against RACISM and corruption in Tennessee that's linked to a Good Ole Boy network that has ties to the KKK.  
Please Google

Stephen Preston CIA
and do an "image" search".. this guy is the TOP lawyer at the CIA... The same guy that reviewed the Benghazi talking points and his image sections is almost ALL me....  I was told that Kline Preston "most likely" did have a conflict of interest and he's scared of what might happen.. I'm also scared of what people connected to him might do to me.

These are ALL put on Kline Preston's twitter page BY the authority of KLINE Preston...He's the person US congresswoman Marsha Blackburn chose to lead her PAC.  One that has a "good" relationship with TEnnessee Governor Haslam.

Look below at the tweet the lawyer that is the PRESIDENT of Marsha Blackburn's PAC puts on his twitter feed.

For Kline Preston to post the tweet of the "paranoid people" the day after I complained about his tweet about the murdered whistleblower .... while he's fighting me in court is scary..

Had I posted an article about a lawyer being murdered and the "most likely" person responsible escaping justice I would think he would make an issue out of it. Especially "if" I followed it up with a retweet about paranoid people who "really" do have murderers behind their shower curtains..

  Kline Preston is SMART... He uses a LOT of CIA psych crap....   

Nissan Whistleblower: Letter Sent to Marsha Blackburn About CIA ...

Dec 28, 2012 – Marsha Blackburn you will read in this email that I have a critical need... Below will explain WHY I do not feel comfortable with Kline Preston.

Kline gets a LOT of Business from RUSSIA... I was told that Russia played a role in the Boston Bombing... It's "possible" that the bombing was done at the time to be a "diversion" to the Haslam FBI raid.  I hope and think that's being investigated.  Still I worry about my safety for Kline Preston to post an aritcle from the Russia Times about a WHISTLEBLOWER getting murdered and the Russian Mafia being able to escape justice that gives me "little" hope that I will ever get justice in Tennessee.  Kline Preston is "most likely" a lawyer for people linked to the Russian mafia.  I'm a person that is known for NOT liking unethical people.  

Did I ever put on my blog that I told Kline Preston that I talked to Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012 and thought he would "break the story" of the NISSAN fraud.  I told Kline...  A few weeks later he was murdered and about a week later the SAME person that told me in 2010 to use Kline as a lawyer told me that Breitbart was murdered.  He said 100% and he had a good source.   That is the same person that invited me to the dinner that was also attended by the person Kline told me was a Mossad agent......  That person is NOT linked to the CIA... it's just a friend of Kline's and they're a good person....  Can someone investigate this?